Business Business Business is an information hub for Business owners where they can Connect, Learn, Network and Do with Resources, Tools, Courses, Tips and a Community for business owners all in the one place.

Business Business Business is, run for business owners, by business owners who understand the business journey.

Our founders Linda Reed-Enever and Clive Enever both live and breathe business with a passion for seeing businesses grow. They both coach and mentor business owners as well as run the Business Business Business community and their other ventures.

As business owners, Linda and Clive know business life and they have created this community and hub to help business owners like you, ‘do what you do’!

#learn #connect #network #do

Latest Reads

Holiday Cash Flow Warning

Holiday Cash Flow Warning

A recent CreditorWatch survey shows only 66% of small business owners are satisfied with their current level of working capital with many having to lay off staff to deal with cash flow and credit challenges.

OptiPay has seen an 18% increase in requests for invoice financing as SMEs prepare for extra orders and demand heading into Christmas.

Pinterest Ads for Service Businesses: Engaging a Targeted Audience

Pinterest Ads for Service Businesses: Engaging a Targeted Audience

Pinterest ads are a powerful tool for service-based businesses, offering a unique opportunity to reach highly engaged, solution-seeking users. Unlike other platforms, Pinterest users are actively searching for guidance, making them ideal for businesses like coaches, consultants, and strategists. By creating ads that address specific problems rather than just promoting services, businesses can position themselves as trusted experts.

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The Connect Directory

Find Products and Services for Your Business in Connect Directory

Every business needs a helping hand now and then and Connect is the Business Business Business Directory designed to easily put business owners in touch with the services they need.

From PR to legal services, business mentoring and accounting, this one-stop business shop gives you the ultimate range of services right at the tip of your fingers.

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