Ensuring your business remains profitable is one of your most important responsibilities and primary goals for you as a business owner. But do you have a plan for what to do when your business starts to generate significant profits? How can you avoid being hit by large tax owing when the ATO comes knocking on your door?
While methods such as maximising deductions have their place in any tax planning strategy, a tax minimisation strategy that solely relies on deductions can leave you sacrificing profit to lower your tax when there may be other options available to you.
With you and your family relying on the profits generated by your business to fund your lifestyle, it’s important you understand the most tax-effective manner for distributing income and the best business structures that allow you to do so.
You may want to consider using a bucket company which may fit well in your overall tax planning strategy.
What is a Bucket Company used for?
A bucket company is a company that is set up as a beneficiary of a trust to allow any income the trust distributes to the bucket company to be payable at the company tax rate, currently 25% (if it is a base rate entity) or 30% (all other), as opposed to the individual marginal tax rate (the top tax rate for individuals is currently 49% including Medicare levy).
They’re called bucket companies because they sit below a trust like a bucket and are used to distribute income to it.
How does a Bucket Company work?
There are generally three elements present for a bucket company:
- There is usually a trust with surplus income to distribute
- The corporate beneficiary must fall within the definition ‘beneficiary’ under the trust deed
- Consideration as to whether the bucket company is a part of a family group
Who should hold the shares in the Bucket Company?
One of the main reasons bucket companies are used is to access the tax benefits they provide, and you should keep this in mind when you’re making a decision about who holds the company’s shares.
If an individual holds the shares, there is not as much flexibility in how the dividends can be distributed; they will need to be distributed exactly according to the shareholder percentage, however, if another kind of trust holds the shares the excess profits may be distributed in a way that allows for less total tax paid.
Taxing trust income
The general principle is that the net income of a trust is taxed at the hands of the beneficiaries; individuals and company beneficiaries pay tax on their portion of the trust’s income at the rates that apply to them.
The highest marginal tax rate for individuals (including the Medicare levy) at the time of writing this article is 47% for people with taxable income of $180,000 or more. There is a flat tax rate of 30% for non-base rate entity companies. Due to the current discrepancy between the highest marginal tax rate for individuals and the company tax rate, there is currently at least a 17% savings potential. For example, on an income distribution of $100,000, a corporate beneficiary would pay at least $17,000 less tax.
Commit to distributions
You must ensure that when you distribute to the bucket company for the financial year, you also distribute the same amount to the company’s bank account before lodging the tax return.
In particular, trusts must distribute to corporate beneficiaries otherwise Unpaid Present Entitlement (UPE) rules may be triggered which would minimise the tax savings.
What can you do with money in a Bucket Company?
A bucket company can also be used for holding long-term investments, such as shares, properties, or investments. In other words, the bucket company becomes an investment company that can generate another source of income for the owner. However, companies do not have access to the 50% Capital Gains Tax discount, but there may be other compelling reasons to use a company structure.
How do you get money out of the Bucket Company?
There are three ways to extract money from a bucket company:
- pay dividends to the shareholders. Due to the fact that the dividend has been taxed at the company rate, the shareholder will receive a franking credit to the extent that tax has already been paid. An individual will include the dividend income as taxable income. Any excess franking credits are refundable or top up tax may be required depending on the shareholder’s marginal tax rate.
- a loan from the bucket company. As with any other loan, you will have to pay back the principal and interest to the bucket company. The loan is a special type of loan which is called a Division 7a Loan, and it has its own requirements you will need to be mindful of.
- the dividends can be received by a separate discretionary trust structure. Whereas the first method requires profits to be distributed according to shareholding and the second method incurs interest, this last method distributes profits according to the Trust deed. For example, using a discretionary trust as a shareholder of the bucket company allows you to make the largest distribution to an individual with the lowest marginal tax rate.
Division 7A loan
Div 7A loans can be complicated but we’ll focus on three points that are relevant to bucket companies:
- the interest rate for the repayments to your Div 7a loan is set by the ATO. The benchmark interest rate for the 2024 financial year is 8.27% and jumped significantly from prior years in line with the current cash rate. You must comply with the minimum principal and interest repayments each year.
- If your loan is unsecured, it must be repaid within seven years.
- If it is secured to a property, the repayment period can extend to 30 years.
If you are looking to calculate the minimum annual repayment plan, you can use the Div 7A calculator on the ATO’s website or contact us directly.
Will my family trust structure allow a Bucket Company?
To function as intended a bucket company must be an eligible beneficiary of a family trust. As a result, you must read the trust deed of the trust to ensure the bucket company falls within the general class of beneficiaries.
How do I know if a Bucket Company strategy is right for me?
While they are generally useful for investors and business owners and there is no doubt that a bucket company can be one of the most tax-effective strategies, it may not be ideal for your unique situation.
A bucket company strategy may be of benefit if you are any of the following:
- a business owner who wants to build a nest egg for their family;
- a business owner who experiences large fluctuations in income from one financial year to the next;
- a business owner who is coming up to retirement or looking to sell the business, and who won’t be earning as much business income moving forward as a result.
We encourage you to seek professional advice when trying to ascertain whether or not a bucket company is right for you.
Next steps
Bucket companies can work well as part of a tax savings strategy for you whether you’re a business owner or investor, however, they are not for everyone. What’s more, the Australian Taxation Office is actively engaged in discouraging tax avoidance and the general trend seems to be increasing crackdowns as evidenced by the recent guidance from the ATO regarding Section 100A trust distributions.
A good accountant can guide you through the pitfalls and advantages of various tax savings strategies and help you work out a tailored plan that suits your unique financial situation. For the best tax advice seek expert help.