Category: Writing and Communication

Expert reveals eight tips for writing a press release that gets you noticed

A great press release can help open your brand up to a whole new audience and connect with your customers. But they can be difficult to write, particularly if you want to cut through the noise and make sure you get coverage.

Journalists don’t have a lot of time and believe me, they receive thousands of press releases. This means that, unless you grab their attention quickly, your press release may just end up straight in the bin. But how do you get yours noticed? Here are my eight top tips.

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Content as a Catalyst: Redefining E-commerce Value

In “Content as a Catalyst: Redefining E-commerce Value,” Ben Pu highlights the transformative role of content in e-commerce. Beyond traditional marketing, ShipSage uses content to educate, engage, and empower, sharing its vision of smart warehousing and tailored fulfillment. The strategy focuses on delivering in-depth educational material, engaging stories, and actionable insights, underpinned by a data-driven approach to refine content relevance and impact.

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Yahoo and Google Are Changing How Business Emails Work

If you send newsletters for your business, the protocols surrounding verification are changing. Yahoo and Google are introducing new measures that mean for anyone sending 5,000 emails to people combined across Gmail and Yahoo will now need to have an authenticated email domain. Make sure you’re ready to avoid ending up in the spam box!

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Promoting Company Culture Through Improved Internal Communications

The best way you can improve company culture and morale is to find a way to improve communication within — whether it be within departments, between different departments, from company leaders to production employees, and with customers and clients. This is especially important as more workplaces accept and adopt remote or hybrid environments.

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Top tips for creating a confident cover letter when you’re applying for a more senior role

Do you have your eye on a senior role and are wondering what it takes to make your application stand out? Applying for senior positions can often be an intimidating process, but taking the right steps to prepare yourself and make sure that your cover letter has the advantage can mean the difference between securing an interview or not. 

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