For almost any organisation, celebrating awareness days and public holidays on social media is a must-do.
However, keeping track of the ever-growing list of days is a challenge in itself. This is especially the case when you have to weed through the list of days to find something that resonates with you and your business.
Here are three things to consider when celebrating awareness days and public holidays on social media.
Make a list and make it count!
The list of awareness days and public holidays seems to be growing every year, so much so that it feels like we could fill a whole month with just awareness days.
The most important aspect of planning social media content is making sure you have a diverse range of content. Make sure you are not overwhelming your social media pages with awareness days, even if it means you have to sit one of two out.
My recommendation is to sit down at the beginning of each quarter and look at what you are going to celebrate or get involved in. Then, bookmark these dates in your calendar A WEEK IN ADVANCE (this is key).
Is it just a social media post, or is your business doing something else to celebrate?
The reason I would recommend putting these dates in your diary a week in advance is that:
- Nine out of ten times, you will forget the date. It’s just a matter of fact.
- If you are planning to do more than just a social media post, you need some time to plan.
For example, if your business is getting involved in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, you will want to make sure you are organised or in touch with the right internal team, so you aren’t chasing your tail on the day.
Sometimes it’s okay to say nothing
In my opinion, this is the most important factor in celebrating awareness days and public holidays. Now more than ever, businesses need to ask themselves:
- Is it appropriate to post today?
- Is there meaning or purpose behind the post?
- Have we considered all aspects of the day?
You are likely to get better engagement and leave a better impression as a brand by making sure that these posts reflect your business values and are appropriate to post about.
So, let’s take a look at some examples:
As NAIDOC Week approaches, we thought this would be an appropriate one to start with.
In Australia, NAIDOC Week stands as a great example of how businesses can get it so right or so wrong.
My advice: Consider what your organisation does to support Indigenous Australian Communities, outside of NAIDOC Week.
Mothers Day
Everyone’s connection to mothers and motherhood will vary. This day, in particular, you want to consider those who have lost mothers, those who are stepmothers, aspiring mothers , mothers-to-be, etc.
My advice: If this is a day your business wants to celebrate, make sure to look at it from all angles and structure your post accordingly.
So, just like all things social media, make sure your awareness day and public holiday celebrations are strategic and well-thought-out.