Don’t know about you, but sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day! Lots of small business owners struggle with a never ending to-do list and a shrinking amount of time!

Improving your productivity isn’t just about getting more done; it’s about doing what really matters in the time you have available. Let’s have a look at seven ways to help you work faster and get things done more efficiently – leaving time and space for other things like sleep, exercise, family and friends!

1 Prioritise your tasks

The first step is to prioritise your tasks. Not all tasks are created equal, and some are more important than others. Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to find the most important tasks that you need to do.

2 Use Time Blocking

Time blocking is a technique that can help you manage your day. By setting aside specific blocks of time for different tasks, you can make sure you stay focused and avoid multitasking. Start by identifying your most important tasks and setting aside dedicated time blocks for them. That will help you stay focussed and get more done.

3 Eliminate Distractions

Distractions are one of the biggest productivity killers around. Maybe your overwhelmed by social media notifications, email alerts, and even noisy environments. To minimise distractions, turn off your notifications, create a dedicated workspace, and consider using tools like website blockers. By creating a distraction-free working environment, you can stay focused and work faster. You might even consider leaving your mobile in another room if you need to.

4 Automate Repetitive Tasks

Automation can be a game-changer for small business owners. Look for repetitive tasks that can be automated, like email responses, social media posting, and data entry. Use tools like Google, RecurPost and Zapier to automate these tasks. By freeing up your time you can focus on more important tasks.

5 Batch Similar Tasks Together

Task batching is just grouping similar tasks together and completing them in one go. Doing this reduces the mental effort of switching between different types of tasks and helps you stay in “the zone”. For example, set aside specific times for responding to emails, creating content, or making phone calls. By batching tasks, you can work faster and get more done in less time.

6 Delegate [if you can]

Delegation is essential for increasing efficiency and freeing up your time for more important tasks. Look for tasks that can be handled by someone else and delegate them. Give them clear instructions and check in regularly to check that the tasks are being completed as expected. Maybe you’ve considered working with a VA, check out my recent blog on how to do this successfully here.

7 Take Breaks and Rest

Taking breaks might seem weird when you’re trying to get more done, but it’s crucial for maintaining productivity. Regular breaks help you recharge and maintain focus. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break [if this schedule doesn’t work for you set up one that does – I use 45 minutes work with a 15 minute break]. Short walks, stretching, or simply stepping away from your desk can also help you feel refreshed and boost your productivity.

So there you have it … by implementing these seven strategies, you can work faster and get more done!